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SHARE: Share it with your friends. Share it with casual acquaintances. Keep it all to yourself.
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First: A Collection of Childhood Stories.
Table of Contents so far ...
- The First Time My Parents Spanked Me.
- The First Time That I Saw A Dead Body.
- The First Time I Remember Shaking Hands.
- The First Time We Didn't Have Chinese Food.
- More to come... I update about every 3 weeks so be patient.

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The First Time my Parents Spanked Me.

This was my first comic story I ever created and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Except for changing names to protect the innocent I've tried to remain as truthful as possible, But once you start, you learn quickly that to organize your memories into a narrative form requires to carefully consider omission and emphasis.

For instance, I learned about the concept of resistance from a bunch of movies such as Bridge on the River Kwai but omitting those films and putting the emphasis on The Great Escape helped to compress the story into a readable and more quickly relatable shape.

I think in many subtle ways, the act of transforming experiences into a story always changes the nature of the thing. It also brings your experience out to readers who add another unpredictable layer of interpretation to the story as you've told it.

Visually, the half cartoon/half illustration style worked out pretty nicely and I especially like the look of the blue flashback frames. Figuring out the montage of a cartoon story turned out to be pretty damn fun and challenging. I'm going to make as many of these as I can.

© Copyright 2014 Scott Huot.